Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How To:

Rainbow Spaghetti

One thing I found while doing the research for this blog was this trend of making rainbow pasta. Just as many people have been experimenting with rainbow cakes, they have been doing the same with pasta. And it looks pretty easy!!

Although I have yet to try making rainbow pasta, maybe some of you have! Is it messy?? Does it taste the same as uncolored pasta?? Does it work on different shapes of pasta?? Let me know if you have ever experimented with this! Here is a video that I found describing the basics of this colorful treat!!
Watch here:

OR... For a quick and easy recipe CLICK HERE! 


Claire O'Callaghan said...

Hi Sarah! Your blog about pasta is SUCH a good idea, you must be like SUPER smart or something because you’re so CREATIVE and PRETTY too wow I’m just amazed at you in general ;). If you could teach me how to be as awesome as you are, it would be great if you could tutor me in your coolness, even though I know you already have all your tutoring hours OBVIOUSLY. You really shouldn’t blog about rainbow pasta if you’ve never even tried GET IT TOGETHER SARAH but anyways, it was a very good blog post, and the photo made me want to try making it myself, even though I have eaten colored pasta before. I bought blue pasta once, and I made it and it was actually very good! It might not have been quite as good as normal pasta, but that was probably because of the brand, not the coloring. The only thing was, it dyed our tongues blue! Anyways, your blog was a great way to pasta time, so thanks for doing such a great job! Hate you!

Claire O'Callaghan said...

OMG OMG OMG I MEANT LOVE hahah **love you! :/