History of Pasta

The History of the Noodle

Today there are varieties of pasta around the world, from spaghetti and meatballs to Jewish kreplach dumplings to German spaetzle. But where do all of these treats originate from? Seems easy enough to answer, but it’s actually pretty hard to see the exact origins.

While pastas and noodles seem like they would originate in Italy, in fact, they probably are ‘decedents’ from Asian noodles. How the trend of pasta actually reached Europe, specifically Italy, is debated (people claim that it was probably Marco Polo or the nomadic Arabs); however, once in Europe, the Asian way of making pasta was refined and pasta became more like what it is today.

Pasta was first brought to America by Spanish settlers. Then, when Thomas Jefferson was visiting France he tried what he called macaroni and returned to America with cases of it. Finally, during the 19th century, when a large group of Italian immigrants came from Europe to America, pasta became much more common and slowly emerged as a staple of the American diet!

Are you still interested?? I found a great and very interesting sight with even more on the history of the wonder that is pasta! Want to see it? CLICK HERE

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